2013 was definitely
- a year of knitting!
- discovering the 1930's
- exploring the WW2 era
- making an extensive series of posts on Miss Lemon's very 30's wardrobe
- getting into vintage knitting patterns
- knitting my first gloves
- knitting my first 40's jumpers
- re-discovered crochet
- a lot of diy in the new house
- after 1.5 years moving in our new home
- hopefully the last year on thyroid medication! (I'm aloud to stop now for 2 months and might be part of the lucky 40-50% who goes in remission from Grave's disease after a year of treatment)
plans for 2014
- finishing the 40's jumpers I'm working on (they won't be 2013 project anymore although about 80% of the knitting is finished)
- sharing more vintage baby bootie patterns since these remain popular little gifts (I've made a few posts already)
- continue knitting
- return to sewing!!!
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