Once in a while I adjust small things in the layout of my blog. Let's call it a spring-cleaning. Have you notice that the 'label-cloud' in the sidebar grew huge, and quite messy lately? With more than 400 blogposts (almost all individually labeled) it became very lengthy as well. Today I decided to remove an awful lot of tags, mainly names of specific patterns and tags to my series. I think it looks much better!
- what is still there: decades, different types of garments, designers and pattern brands
- to go to series like the Poirot and MissLemon-series, 30's inspiration etc. click on the picture in the side-bar
- to find posts about specific patterns take a look at the tab of 'finished pieces' and you can easily find all posts that belong to a specific garment by clicking on the pictures/names of the items.
- to find sewing and knitting tips/tricks look under the tab 'knitting hints' and 'sewing tutorials'
- to find other things use the 'search' function in the sidebar (just below the links to series)

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