
15 Mar 2015


It's been a month since I posted something.
In the meantime (actually before) a lot happened.

baby boy
On the 8th of january our baby boy was born. The delivery was a great experience, a real kick. Sadly, we had to stay in the hospital for two days because of high blood pressure for like 4 hours during delivery (strangely it came up and went away before the baby was born) and because of a membrane rupture for more than 30 hours (chance of infection).
Anyway, when my water broke, my first thought was like I still have to sew up two sheets for the crib! And so I did...
I was determined to give breastfeeding but because of a bad start it was a struggle. Now, after 6 weeks the little guy manages to drink without a nipple protector which was up until now the only way he accepted the breast.

I recovered fairly quickly and went for my first run after 4,5 weeks. Managed to pull off 5 km right away and the second time, a week ago even 7 km's without any problems. Great!

I've been really, really tired for weeks, had a lot of restless nights because of a restless baby, until we discovered swaddling! He was twitching and flailing with his arms and legs while also grunting and sighing a lot. Basically he was constantly moving preventing himself from falling asleep. We've swaddled him for like 6 days now with great success! He sleeps so much better (and we do as well) and he is a much happier baby during the day. The first system we used was 'SwaddleMe' and now tryin out the 'Puckababy' which is a sleepingbag without armholes. This one allows a mild immobilization and let the baby move his arms below shoulder/ear height.

sewing and knitting
I'm still working finished on my 'Vasarely cubes' baby blanket, which is a quite large one. Still growing...
As for sewing I really, really want to sew something for myself. The only problem is that my breastfeeding-busts are much larger than I was used to, so none of my pre-pregnancy fitted blouses and shirts fit anymore...
Recently started to watch the new Sewing Bee series (S3) on BBC2. OMG, the challenges are much tougher than ever!!!
From the first episode on there is a made-to-measure challenge. In the second episode the pattern challenge was to sew a child's waistcoat, and in the 3rd episode to work with sheer fabrics.
Surprisingly, there are contestants who struggle with inserting an invisible zipper (I'd practice, practice, practice until I could do that without even looking!)

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