
25 Aug 2014

week 19 update knitting, running, clothing...

knitting for baby
Actually, I've made these little baby cardis when I found out I was pregnant. The pattern, Carole Barney's seamless yoked baby sweater and eyelet yoke baby cardigan are both great and free! It is basically the same pattern with different yokes and I liked it so much that I made 3 of them straight away. It only took a day or 3 to finish one and I practiced the stranded knitting method I wrote about. As you can see they are still 'gender neutral' type garments because we still don't know the baby's gender. (Hope to find it out later this week during the 20-weeks ultrasound) So no buttons yet...

I only changed minor things, like the underarm increases, which look prettier this way. I also collected a ton of cute animal patterns from the internet, like these elephants, to use on baby knitwear.


It seems like my baby-bump appeared overnight! Now, over 19 weeks it is obvious that I'm expecting. Still manage to run my 10 km every 5-6 days, an average of 70 km's a month. It takes me about an hour every time, since my pace is slower, though I'm able to keep the distance the same. I don't experience any discomfort whatsoever and (strangely) even manage to finish my rounds without any toilet stops...
Finally I'm at the bump-stage that I look like a pregnant woman running instead of a fat looking one!

nursery progress

Although I collected about 200 images for inspiration on Pinterest the nursery progress (up until today) is nothing more than this second hand IKEA Hemnes dresser, which has the perfect width and height (want to replace the knobs though). The room is definitely going to be bright and colorful! I love the navy-mustard-orange combo, with a green wall color like below in my little collage of inspiration (love the little crochet owls and already ordered the pattern!)

new maternity items
I still have a few pairs of jeans which I can wear with the rubber band adjustment, but this won't last long...
  • maternity jeans - on sale! 
I picked this pair of 'Mama-licious' jeans up during the last week of the sales for 28 €. (original price 56 €!) While I don't need it yet because of the lightly stretchy fabric I bought a size larger which still fits great.

  • H&M cotton blouse
Great for layering and another sale-item for 5 euro's! It has a few rows of shirring in the back which I don't like and want to take out to replace with two simple darts:

  • 'Love2wait' maternity shirt - internet buy, 2nd hand 
A great internet buy. It is crazy how many women splurge on expensive maternity items and end up not wearing them because of being too small, or they had too many choices... The original price of this shirt was 36 € and I've got it for just 10 €.
I love the photo-print on the bump! It is a bit large on my belly right now and it is too long for my taste, but it seems that all maternity shirts are this long here in the Netherlands. The planned solution is adding two short pieces of elastics at the sides:

Still 5 months to go and it seems like I've only bought garments which I can't wear yet (because lacking a sizeable bump) but almost half of this amount was spent on a maternity bra which was the best investment up until now because I do wear it on a daily base!

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