
8 Apr 2013


Really, not much is happening right now and I feel guilty about it. We have a potential buyer for our old house, but the price is subject of a discussion. My BF has landed at the point of just sell it at any reasonable price, while I'm busy to figure out the details on how to play it right so at the end of the ay we lose the house and not gain any financial trouble. Pfff...
The constant thinking makes me tired and I feel like I'm not doing much with my free time either. Except cleaning the house and working my way through a huge pile of clothes that need to be washed and ironed. Boring, huh? I just keep thinking, like the past few days I could have make a muslin for the Alma blouse or could have finish some painting jobs or done tons of other USEFUL things in the new house but I just didn't feel like.
Yesterday was the first sunny day in weeks, so I took my running shoes out of the closet and went for a 7.5 km run. It was good and it made me feel better about myself. No matter how much I hate it but due to a period of low levels thyroid hormones I still can't get rid of the extra pounds and as a result I can't fit in all of my clothes. Of course, I guess, this is one of the reasons why I'm not starting any new sewing projects right now.
Anyway, this week is a new week, there are new chances! Getting ready to finish some walls today and to get rid of even more dust (which somehow just keep coming back...)

In the meanwhile I watch things on the tv and wonder why they don't have series like this here? The British home, cooking and craft series are top!
Here there is a lot of explanation of basic sewing terms, a bit of history and it just makes you want to sew perfect, with an eye for details. Worth of watching! Hopefully the next episodes will land on youTube as well!

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